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19. effective indian home remedies for babies for cold and cough

As parents, it's heart-wrenching to see our little ones suffer from cold and cough. We try everything we can to relieve their discomfort and get them back to their happy, healthy selves. Indian home remedies are a natural and safe way to help ease your baby's symptoms without resorting to medications. Here are 10 effective Indian home remedies that can provide relief to your baby.

Home Remedies are the most effective and safe solution to cure the cold and congestion in babies. But if your child is below 3 months of age then don’t try any remedy at home. it is always advisable to visit paediatric to consult.

Changing weather can also trigger a cold and cough in your newborn. So, you have to understand the cause of cold and congestion in your baby. Normally, the cold takes 7 to 10 days to get cured completely and cannot be cured quickly with any kind of medicine.

During a cough and cold, babies become cranky and irritated. It also disturbs the child’s sleeping pattern. I know, it’s not easy to see your child in terrible condition. Cold gets better with time by its own.

Before my daughter's arrival, I was not at all interested in exploring the home remedies for myself. I used to have a big box of generic medicines and never gave much attention to the side effects of allopathic medicines on my body in the long run.

But, when I conceived, I promised myself to live a medicine-free life. I wanted my baby to have a strong immune system and be less dependent on medicines. So, my journey in exploring home remedies started with my daughter's birth. Now, we never rush to doctors or the medical stores for immediate solutions until and unless the problem is severe.

Let’s talk about the symptoms of cold and cough

Symptoms of cold and cough can vary depending on the individual and the severity of the illness, but here are some common ones:

Cold symptoms:

Runny or stuffy nose
Sore throat
Body aches
Mild fever
Loss of appetite

However, I can suggest some common home remedies that are often used in India for relieving cold and cough symptoms in babies. It is always advisable to consult a doctor before trying any home remedies on your baby, especially if they are experiencing severe symptoms or have underlying medical conditions.

I am sharing a few home remedies for cold and cough in infants
Most Effective Home remedies to cure a cold and cough in 3 to 6 months baby

1. Ajwain Potli

Ajwain or carom seeds have antiviral and antibacterial properties. Dry roast ajwain on a tava or pan. Put the ajwain in a cotton cloth and make a potli of it. Gently rub it on the baby’s chest, back, under feet and palms.

Make sure the potli is not very hot. First, test the temperature by putting the potli on your wrist. Make sure that the baby must have a single layer of clothing before you start to rub potli on the body.

Caution: Don’t rub it on the naked chest of your baby.

You can place potli near baby’s nose or in baby’s crib so that it can inhale ajwain smell. It is a really helpful remedy to cure baby’s cough. are some of the commonly used home remedies for cold and cough in babies in India:

2.Breastfeed your baby

Breastfeeding is the first and foremost solution to treat cold and cough for your newborn. In your baby’s first six months, breastmilk is the only way to heal your child’s body from any type of problem. Breastmilk also improves the immunity of your child to fight against bacteria, germs, and virus.#breastfeeding is our responsibility.

3.Mustard oil infused with sendha namak

As a parent, it's natural to want to provide comfort and relief to your little one when they are suffering from cold and cough. In Indian households, there are several home remedies that have been passed down for generations to alleviate these symptoms. Two such remedies include mustard oil infused with sendha namak and a tulsi and coconut oil massage.

Mustard oil is known for its warming properties, and when infused with sendha namak or rock salt, it can provide comfort to your baby's body. To make this mixture, simply mix 1 teaspoon of sendha namak in warm mustard oil and gently massage it on your baby's chest and back. Then, cover your baby with a cotton sheet or blanket to allow the warmth to penetrate their body.

4.Tulsi leaves 
Tulsi, also known as holy basil, is a sacred plant in Hindu Indian culture and has been used for its medicinal properties for centuries. It has antiviral, antibacterial, and antibiotic properties that can help to cure a variety of illnesses, including cold and cough. To make a tulsi and coconut oil massage mixture, warm 2-3 teaspoons of good quality organic coconut oil and add 5-6 crushed tulsi leaves. By crushing the leaves, the juice will mix with the coconut oil and infuse it with all the healing properties of tulsi. Gently massage this mixture on your baby's chest, back, and under their feet while they sleep to provide relief from cold and cough symptoms.

By incorporating these natural remedies into your baby's routine, you can help to alleviate their symptoms and provide them with comfort and relief. As always, it's important to consult with your pediatrician before trying any new home remedies.

As a parent, it's heartbreaking to see your little one struggling to breathe during a bout of congestion. Not only can it make it difficult for them to sleep, but it can also cause them to feel uncomfortable and irritable. Fortunately, there's a simple solution that can help your baby breathe easier and sleep more comfortably -

5 .elevating their head.
By propping up your baby's head slightly with a pillow, you can help to alleviate the symptoms of congestion and promote better breathing. Elevating your baby's head allows gravity to work in your favor, helping to clear out their nasal passages and reduce inflammation. As a result, your little one will be able to breathe easier and sleep more soundly.

This easy and effective home remedy can make a world of difference for your baby during a time when they need it most. So if you notice that your little one is struggling with a stuffy or blocked nose, try elevating their head with a pillow and watch as they breathe easier and sleep

5.light steam and congestion 
Inhaling light steam can be a soothing and effective way to help your little one breathe easier and sleep better. By clearing blockages and loosening mucus in the nose and chest, steam can help open up airways and promote healthy respiratory function.

To give your baby the benefits of steam, simply hold them in your lap and place a steamer nearby for 10-15 minutes. Be sure to keep your baby at a safe distance from the hot steam water, and consider using the bathroom as a natural steam room by running a hot shower and closing the door for added steam.

If your baby is not fond of steam, a room humidifier or vaporizer can also be a helpful alternative to promote a clear and comfortable environment for restful sleep.

Incorporating steam therapy into your baby's routine can be a gentle and natural way to support their respiratory health and overall well-being.

7.Wash your hands thoroughly

One of the most crucial steps you can take to protect your little one from the onslaught of germs and infections is to keep your hands impeccably clean. As your precious bundle of joy battles cold and cough, it becomes all the more critical to ensure that you don't transmit any harmful microbes to your baby through your hands.

So, before you pick up your little one, take a moment to thoroughly wash your hands with soap and warm water. Ensure that you clean every nook and cranny, between your fingers and under your nails, for at least 20 seconds. This simple act of hygiene can go a long way in keeping your baby safe and healthy.

Additionally, it's equally important to keep your baby's hands clean as well. You can use gentle wet wipes to wipe away any dirt or grime from your little one's hands. And, don't forget to request anyone who wishes to hold your baby to sanitize their hands or wash them before doing so. After all, a little precaution can make all the difference in ensuring your baby's well-being.

Remember, clean hands are happy hands, and a happy baby means a happy family! So, let's make hand hygiene a non-negotiable part of our daily routine and keep our little ones safe from harm's way.

Saffron is a stimulant tonic, which helps to treat cold, cough, congestion and fever. Adults can have saffron in milk but for infants, the saffron paste is used to apply on the forehead to quickly relieve cold.

Saffron is helpful in curing blocked chest and congestion. Take a pinch of saffron, grind or rub it to make a paste. Add few drops of water. Apply the paste on the baby’s chest, forehead, throat and under feet at night. You can do this every day until a baby is relieved from cold and congestion.

You may have observed that coughing usually increased during sleep time. It all happens because of the dry air in the room. Using the Humidifiers help to add moisture to the air which may help ease coughing in babies.

10.Dry Roasted Turmeric
Turmeric has antibacterial and anti-viral properties, it helps in relieving the cold and cough in kids and adults. For Babies, dry roast the turmeric and make a powder from it. Now, make a paste of turmeric using a little amount of water. Put a layer of turmeric paste on the baby’s nose during night time, it helps to relieve a blocked nose and running nose.

Avoid putting the turmeric inside nostril of the baby.

Some remedies for above 1 year old baby

11.Honey and ginger:
Honey and ginger are known for their soothing properties and can help alleviate cough in babies. Mix a teaspoon of honey with a few drops of ginger juice and give it to your baby.

12.Turmeric milk:
Turmeric is a natural anti-inflammatory and can help boost the immune system. Warm a cup of milk and add a pinch of turmeric powder. Let it cool down a bit and give it to your baby before bedtime.Applicable for baby only above 6 month .

13.Nasal saline drops:
Nasal saline drops are a safe and effective way to clear your baby's nasal passages. You can use a dropper to put a few drops in each nostril to help ease congestion.

14.Warm water:
Keeping your baby hydrated is crucial during a cold or cough. Offer warm water or lukewarm soups to help soothe their throat.
Applicable for above 6 month old year baby

Garlic has antimicrobial properties and can help fight off infection. Crush a few cloves of garlic and mix with warm mustard oil. Massage this mixture onto your baby's chest and back.

16. Ajwain water:
Ajwain seeds have antiseptic and antibacterial properties and can help relieve cough and cold symptoms. Boil some ajwain seeds in water and let it cool down. Give a few teaspoons of this water to your baby to alleviate cough.
Applicable for  baby above 6 month old 

17.Eucalyptus oil:

Eucalyptus oil can help clear nasal passages and ease breathing. Add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to a bowl of warm water and let your baby inhale the steam.

18.Tulsi leaves water ,kadha
Tulsi leaves have antiviral and antibacterial pTulsi leaves: Boil some tulsi leaves in water and let it cool down. Give a few teaspoons of this water to your baby to soothe cough.
Applicable for baby above 6 month old 

19.Warm compress
Place a warm compress on your baby's chest and back to provide relief from congestion.

Things to keep in mind

1.Please don’t give honey to babies below 1 year of age. It may cause a rare disease called Infant botulism.
the checkup.
2.Don’t try any home remedy for babies below 3 months of age.
3.Breastfeed your baby as much as possible. Mom’s milk is loaded with antibodies that help to build immunity against all types of germs, viruses, and bacteria.
4.Give your baby lots of cuddles. Your love and touch help your child to get well soon.
5.Loss of appetite is normal during a cough and cold. Don’t feed your baby forcefully. Let your baby decides “when and how much food” his body needs.
5.You must know when to seek medical care. If your baby has certain symptoms such as high fever, drowsiness, constant crying, body rashes, breathing problem then you must seek medical help immediatel
By incorporating these natural remedies into your baby's routine, you can help to alleviate their symptoms and provide them with comfort and relief. As always, it's important to consult with your pediatrician before trying any new home remedies.

Disclaimer: All suggested home remedies during cold & cough are based on my experience, expert advice, and research. For babies below 3 months of age, it’s always better to consult pediatric before trying any kind of home remedy.


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